Friday 26 July 2013



Nalini with her 7 other friends went to SKM Mall to enjoy lunch at its food court. She was God’s one creation always seeking a reason to skip her hostel meal and have lunch or dinner outside. The day itself was very mysterious, the shining sun at one end and the cool clouds at the other giving false hopes of a pleasant weather. These young spirits had innocent hopes of heavy rainfall to drench themselves in with their hearts open.  So these 8 girls went out to enjoy d weather n satisfy their ever demanding stomachs with a delicious lunch. They reached the food zone of mall which was at the basement and sat at the 2nd table on the corner side of the zone. As always said for girls, all of them were busy in their chit-chat n making fun of each other….after all in whole week they just get Sunday n Saturday 2 spend time with each other free from office tension. This time their target was Vaani, all of them were teasing her bcoz of her all time famous dialogue...”is any1 having something 2 eat? “. Finally after having a lot of confusion n discussion menu was decided n ordered. In their fun n masti ,they didn’t  noticed the people sitting around…not even that there was 1 who was STARING them not bcoz of their high voices n stupid talks but bcoz he was silently observing sumone.
When dey all wer enjyng at food zone, meanwhile GOD also accepted d prayers of ppl n took out his magic wand to make d weekend evening of ppl d mst beautiful one. Yes it actually rained…wid blck clouds evrywher in sky…allowing ppl to open there eyes completely, whch otherwise were forced to be closed by sun…. Everyone allowed rain to drop on their heads,tickle their face and pour into their hearts.The wet & rejuvenating showers of rain were like a heal to the daily tormenting sweat in the hot sun….as if its nt gonna come again….n its only today to enjy it TO d fullest….it was d  romantic weathr every couple dreamt of  to enjy  together…a  rain  every grl dreams  to dance in with her soulmate.To some it was special coz  tht day acquaints them of d real count of  ppl  actually living nearby,bcz for d first time evryone had came out of  their closets  of metro rush-life  to  enjy dis splendid weathr… The splashing sound of raindrops,d fragrance of wet soil and showers through the glass panes was enticing and was alluring people to come out of d mall and adore its grace and be lost in it …Really no one wanted to miss it.
Dis gang of grls also noticed it….Nalini n Gargi forced their friends to go out n enjoy d rain with them but d rest were enjyng their chats so mch tht dey jst refused n also askd them 2 sit there only. The excuse tht its useless to go outside as d entrance was already occupied by ppl was like an icing on their cake of disinterest. Both were left with no option except to sit bck there wid half concentration on talks n half outside in rain. Aftr havng a delicious lunch n spending apprx 3 hrs in chit-chat dey all decided 2 go out but  till tht tym rain had already stopped aftr bringing a smile on evry1’s face.
So finally dey came out of d mall and sat on d pavement  to enjy d pleasant weather… teasing Simran for her trademark words and sentenceS and Samriddhi for her confused nature bcz of which she was nt able to decide whether she would stay at hostel or go back home. Jst thn Nalini,who was sitting at the corner, realized tht  a beautiful red rose wrapped in a white napkin was kept beside her…but then who kept it there?was it for nalini?was it a prank played by someone?…earlier it was nt there ,who could do it that fast?She was shocked aftr seeing it…..she unfolded d napkin in which rose was wrapped n tried to read out wht was written on it….msg on it was “Jst 4 u…4 ur smile……dnt get schoked m nt a stranger….u knw me vry well…..wanna knw me…..thn find out 5 more sch roses…..n knw who m i???…..nxt 1 will b frm wher it had come”. Her heart was beating as if she will die in her nxt beat…her face became red n she was lost in finding out aftrall who was dis idiot…she turned around to find out sum1 who myt hav kept it there but it was of no use….tht persn was NOT there….aftr few mins her frnds saw her weird behavior n askd reason 4 behaving so strangely…without uttering evn a wrd she just handed them tht rose n napkin. Aftr reading d mesg frstly dey teased her of havng sch a great secret admirer but thn all became serious rather curious to know dis admirer. Nw dey wer confused wid a small amount of perplexion of  wht dey shuld do nxt…..find d guy or shuld go bck ,coz it might be a prank or in d worst case a trap. Oh God,these dark clouds of confusion and doubts suddenly appeared to mantle the beauty of the pleasant weather. But finally dey decided to find out d guy. Evry1 started running theirmind to knw d location of nxt rose …. “nxt1 will b frm where it had come”…..i.e. flower shop…..there was 1 flower shop nearby d mall so dey all went there…. both to find d nxt rose n d clue to unveil dis known stranger of Nalini’s life.
On reaching d shop dey asked 4 d rose wrapped in a napkin….shopkeeper understood n handed them what was supposed to take them one step closer to the hunt. Bfr opening it, dey asked d shopkeeper abt d prsn who purchased dos roses n kept tht 1 rose wid him…..but d “GUY” was vry  lucky,  shopkeeper told them dat he came 2 shop few mins bck. Bfr him his brothr was sitting n he only told him 2 giv dis wrapped rose 2 a grl who will come there serchng 4 it. So nw des grls wer havng no othr option thn to solve the clue….so dey opened d napkin n read its msg “stop asking ppl abt me no1 knws abt me…so b fair in d game n don’t  waste ur tym…..dis rose is dedicated jst 4 ur beauty………jst 4 more…..nxt 1 will b decorated in a new flavor of coffee wid essence of rose”……….it was clear tht nxt 1 will b at d coffee corner….so dey rushed towards d food zone n bfr dey could even ask, d cashier himself handed  them d 3rd rose wrapped in napkin bcz he had already seen d 2 roses in Nalini’s hand…. Nalini unwrapped d napkin….her heart was beating high n hands wer shivering n she was cold frm head to toe, as she was tensed abt all wht was happening n was cursing her stars…n here was d next clue “dis one’s  jst 4 ur simplicity……nxt 1 will b at place frm wher I would buy a gft 4 u as precious as you are to me”. Undoubtedly, it was a gift shop.
So dey ran towards archies, d best gift gallery…….n as dey entered Nalini saw a red rose wrapped in white napkin kept at billing counter .. she moved towards it….n dis tym agn d guy there himself handed ovr d rose 2 her wid a complimnt “lucky grl J”. Nalini didn’t knew whether to smile or to hide her face wid embarrassment. It was all happening for d first ,very first time and that too mixed with anxiety. Without replying 2 him she came out of d shop n unfolded d napkin to read out d nxt clue… “dis one’s  4 ur innocence……jst 2 roses awy ……nxt 1 will b at 1 of ur favrt meal point frm wher u cn hav home delivery”. Nw it was d mst confusing one bcz evry eating point there facilitates home delivery n wait a minute,he knows Nalini’s likes and dislikes. This was getting real interesting. Now here comes the detective Gargi who uttered “mst commn delivery points r Mac’D, dominos n pizza hut and Mac’D is Nalini’s favourite amongst the list .. …Till tht tym agn an opportunity was givn 2 Nalini n her frnds 2 enjy d rain…yes it started raining agn….but dis tym dey wer nt in a mood 2 waste tym in thinking abt d rain or anything else othr thn dis happening  crap,  as it was vry important to know who was behind all dis n to teach a lesson to tht guy…
So without giving a secnd thought dey ran towards  Mac’D…n took d 5th red rose frm d counter…..mesg on d napkin was “my 5th rose goes 4 ur down to earth nature…..n nxt red rose will b  frm wher it all started undr d sky”. It was d boundary wall of mall wher dey all wer sitting bfr all dis happened. Without wasting evn a sec dey ran towards d entrance bcz it was d lst n final clue…..n yes a red rose wrapped in a white napkin was kept there….but nw how to move out it was d nxt qstn in their mind bcz it was raining heavily,  nw to reach till tht rose dey hav to get wet in rain alone as all wer jst w8ng 4 d rain 2 stop so tht dey may move towards their destination n there was possibility tht d content on napkin myt hav swiped out in d rain but there was no othr option thn 2 go there n tak it…unable to stop herself, Nalini ran towards d boundary n pickd up d flowr where  she unwrapped d rose n read out d msg “since many yrs I knw u…since then i wanted 2 say to you abt my feelings at evry occasion we met….6 red roses for dos 6 chance I wasted…..yes I m d one who followd u evrywher….yes your doubts abt me r ryt…..m here near  you….u jst need 2 turn around”
And yes he was there….havng qstn in mind, fingers crossed, heart beat high, stomach filled wid butterflies….as Nalini turned back , from d crowd of  ppl standing there came out d known stranger….moving towards her…….Nalini was amazed…..He was no othr thn Ayaan whom she knw frm lst many yrs, her family friend….
Wait..wait..wait…..moving bck few hrs…..Ayaan is d guy who was sitting at food zone at the same tym whn Nalini n her frnds wer enjyng there.  Ayaan  was sitting wid his 3 othr frnds few tables away frm Nalini’s table. Fortunately, Nalini’s bck was towards him so she didn’t noticed him….but Ayaan was lost in viewing Nalini … bcz he was able to see her frm d side. He tried his bst to focus in his frnds talks but tht was in vain bcz he was nt able to keep himself awy frm d way Nalini was laughing,  n enjyng wid her frnds. If he wished he myt hav gone to Nalini n atleast had a small talk but he had nt done tht…wht was there aftr all in his mind…was he planning sumthng big…..does he really like her…or it was jst an infatuation???? Aftr all wht was gong to happen.
Nw dis secret is bfr evry1 tht wht was there in Ayaan’s mind at tym…..he was planning sumthng big, but he could hav done all dis …it was jst unexpectd………Nalini was schoked to see Ayaan there n abt all wht he wrote on napkins aftrall wht was it…was it a dream or reality….difficult to believe. Lost in thoughts Nalini also moved towards him……before Nalini could ask anything Ayaan said.. “I knw wht I did is nt d correct way but wht can b done you knw me vry well……it was 9-10 yrs bfr I saw u for d frst tym n since thn I hav been thinking tht there is sumthng commn between us…… its been 6 yrs I wanted to say to you…..n its d bst tym 2 say it as d weathr also favrs it…no othr tym..weathr cn b more suitable to say it….” Sayng dis Ayaan went down on his knees bfr Nalini … “I knw I may nt b d perfct match 4 u…but yes u r bst 1 for me….would you like to spend d rest  precious yrs of ur lyf wid me and mak  my lyf a precious one ???????” Aftr listening dis Nalini was left blank as if sumone has taken her lyf frm her…for a moment she was taken to a different world, she didn’t even realized she was meant to react.

At tht moment even rain  supported Ayaan .It appeared as though rain was cupid’s agent, sent to convince Nalini to say yes… rained heavily ……both Nalini n Ayaan were already wet, I guess in shower of love.Rain was in full force making it impossible for anyone to stand with eyes open but still Ayaan was w8ng 4 rply n Nalini still struggling to figure out is it a dream or reality. When for few secnds, Nalini didn’t replied, her frnds, standing at d entrance, dared to break the silence and shouted “Nalini say yes…..say yes Nalini”….thn crowd standing there also started shouting…”yes say yes….u will nt get another such chance”. After listening dis Nalini realized its nt a dream…..its dream come true…..yes Nalini also liked him but never dared to tell anyone bcz she thought Ayaan doesn’t feels that way. A big confusion between both. But thn a sweet n big smile came on d face of Nalini whch was glowing like a princess who has just found her prince CHAMING,whole face RED havng a vry big smile on it…..n she said “YES I’ll live whole of my lyf wid you……I Love U ”. With dis Ayaan stood up n dey both hugged each othr n frnds of Ayaan n Nalini came running towards them and crowd,not to forget, cheered them. Finally dis romantic weathr unfolded a new love stry.

Wednesday 29 May 2013


Kehna to bahut kuch chahte hai....
magar zubaan ne saath na diya.....
kabhi waqt ki khamoshi mein khamosh rahe HUM.....
to kabhi UNKI khamoshi ne kuch kehne na diya.....

khamoshiya to yuhi khamosh karengi
koi yu hi tumhare alfazo ka intezar karegi
zindagi hamesha yuhi sath nh degi
kbhi to tumhe ye khamoshi todni padegi

Kaun Kehta Hai Khamoshiya Kamosh Hoti Hai,
Khamoshiyo Ko Khamoshi Se Suno,
Kabhi-Kabhi Khamoshiya Vo Keh Deti Hai,
Jinki Aapko Lafzo Mein Talash Hoti Hai…

In khamoshiyo ko samjhne ka koi jariya to do
in chuppey lafzo tk phauchne ka koi rasta to do
kb tk chupega ye bhawnao ka moti seep me
inhe bahar aane ka ek mauka to do

Khamosh Guzar Jate Hain Woh Kareeb Se
Sawal Uthte Hain Dil Mein Ajeeb Se
Woh Khafa Hain Ya Ye Unki Ada Hai
Shikayat Bhi Kya Karein Apne Naseeb Se…

Aise kaise niklenge vo tumhare naseeb se
jo likhe hai tumhare hatho ki lakeer me
khamoshiyo me battein byan krna mana tumhari ek klaa hai
magr kareeb se yu khamosh guzarna bhi unki ek adaa hai

aj phr yu hi......

aj phr dil kch keh rha hai
aj phr kch likhne ka man kr rha hai
aj phr barish ki boondo me bheegne ka man kr rha hai
aj phr beetein lamho ko jeene ka man kr rha hai
aj phr unhi dosto k sath kch nya karne ka man kr rha hai
aj phr college bunk krne ka man kr rha hai
aj phr bachpan me jane ka man kr rha hai
aj phr skul adhoora homework krke jane ka man kr rha hai
aj phr naye khilooney k liye zidd krne ka man kr rha hai
aj phr ped ki thandi chavv me baithne ka man kr rha hai
aj phr zindagi ko khoobsurat bnane ka man kr rha hai
aj phr zindagi ko dil se jeene ka man kr rha hai


mamuli hwaa ka jhoka man ko chuuu gya
dil me ek naye khwaabb ki jagha bna gya
sadak pe padey bejaan pattey ko aasmaan ki sair kra gya
ac se thandi hwaa ka sukh de gya
logo ko band kamro se bahr nikalne pe majboor kr gya
dilo me barsat ki boondo ki chah jga gya
zindagi ko dil se jeena seekha gya
sab bhool aagey badh ek nyi shuruwat krne ko keh gya
ek nyi haseen subha ki shuruwat ki asha man me jga,
khud ye hwaa ka jhoka kahin aur asha ki kiran jagane chala gya


nari to nari hai, duniya me sbse pyari hai
sabka khayal vo rakhti hai
har dukh ko sehne ki usme aseem shakti hai
usne logo ko jholi bhar pyar diya
par logo ne ussey izzat ka adha katra bh na diya
kbhi vo maa kbhi behen to kbhi biwi hai
par duniya me aj bhi vo sbse akeli hai
iss shrishti ki vo palanhari hai
par ghar se akele nikalna aj bhi usspe bhari hai
par tu hi shakti, adshakti hai
tjhse hi sansar ki pragati hai
kbhi tu phool kbhi shola hai
tu zidd pe aaye to har kam ko phr hona hai

mana thoda waqt lagega
par iss duniya ko tjhe samjhna hoga
tera darza tjhe dena hoga
nari tu nari hai, duniya me sbse pyari hai


teri nazar se meri nazar kch yu takra gyi
ki mere dil me ek hulchul ye jga gyi
bht samjhna chaha maine iss hulchul ko
lkn har bar yr meri uljhane aur badha gyi
par samjh samjh k itna to me samjh gyi
ki tere pe me apne dil-o-jaan vaar gyi

Saturday 1 December 2012

Uljhi Vyatha

aj yu hi dil me kch likhne ka khayal aaya
samne kagaz aur kalam rakha nazar aaya
man ki awaaz ko zahir krne ka ek jariya nazar aaya
apne sawalo ko poochne ka tareeka najar aaya

hath me kalam aatey hi shabdo ka sailab umad pda
kch pal bad dekha to kagaz pura bhara mila
kitna kch th kehne ko mere man me
lkn sunnane ke liye vo bharosa kahi na mila
ye sach mjhe aj pta chala,
jab apne hi sawalo se aj haqiqat me samna hua

kyu badalta h insaan apni fitratt yu pal pal me
ki bharosa kr nh sakta koi do pal ko kbhi dusre pe
kyu logo se bat ko chipaya nh jata
kyu raaz ko raaz bnaya nh jata
kyu insaan se apna charitre sanwara nh jata
kyu dusre ko khush kisise se dekha nh jata